LiveLoveLaugh – Designing for Hope

No life should be lost due to mental illness.

The LiveLoveLaugh Foundation was founded in 2015 by Deepika Padukone. Arising from her personal journey with anxiety and depression, her core belief is no life should be lost due to mental illness. The brand refresh for The Live Love Laugh Foundation is a project close to our hearts. The challenge before us was to help make the subject of mental illness a more approachable one. The subject demanded to be treated with warmth and sensitivity, to communicate hope.

Message of Hope

“Mental illness has presented us all with a very tough challenge. Now more than ever before, we need to prioritize the needs of every individual including those affected by mental illness. My love-hate relationship with the illness has taught me so much, to be patient for one, that you are not alone but most importantly there is HOPE.”

- Deepika Padukone, Founder

Love. Hope. Life. Positivity. Balance. Calm.

The visual world form the emotional aspect of our brand messaging. The use of icons and brand colours across touchpoints reinforces our core messaging.

Create awareness, normalize conversations and reduce stigma.

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