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Eggoz Case Study

Building a brand in an
unorganized category

Despite being the most common food in Indian households, ‘eggs’ is still a largely unorganized category (~95% unorganized with few known brands) Eggoz was launched in 2021 with a vision to increase the ‘nutritional value’ of food consumed in Indian households.

How can Eggoz move consumers from unbranded eggs to branded eggs?

To address this challenge, we went deep into the fridge and minds of egg consumers to understand what matters to them and what would get them to think a little more about the eggs they are buying. 

Here is what we learnt.

EGGS are a blind spot in the grocery basket.

“Eggs are just eggs!” - The most common sentiment we heard from consumers. Even the most discerning grocery buyer has a very low involvement when it comes to eggs.

Little differentiation between branded & unbranded eggs

Differentiating in the foods category at the point of purchase is hard. But when it comes to eggs, it's even harder. Very little tangible differentiation exists between different types of eggs. And for the low-awareness, low-involvement consumer, any differentiation is almost invisible.

There’s nothing to look for when it comes to eggs

Fruits, vegetables and meats have been built on strong sensorial cues at the point of purchase. Consumers seek out better-looking, better feeling products that indicate freshness & quality. With eggs, these markers of quality & freshness aren’t known, nor apparent to the buyer.

Make the invisible visibleto consumers

Our starting point- “At Eggoz, we want to give consumers the best egg possible. Which is why, Eggoz controls the feed and hygiene of the hens, right from the farm to retail counters. All Eggoz hens are fed with a proprietary hen feed which is a blend of natural ingredients. This feed gives our yolks a deep orange colour which makes it more nutritious and naturally, more absorbent in the human body.” – Abhishek Negi, Founder- Eggoz Nutrition

A clear brand message

The consumer narrative:

Bringing this proposition alive :

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