Feels like home

Bringing the brand identity and ethos to life

82°E. A modern self-care brand, born in India, for the world. Rooted in simple, effective and enjoyable self-care. We worked with the co-founders to craft a unique narrative and creative direction that seamlessly bridges the gap between self-care and the series of skin-care products. ‍Feels like home. These three simple words not only brought to life the brand’s philosophy, but also connects with the brand’s unique name inspired by India’s standard meridian.

Practicing everyday acts of self-care, feels like home.


A word that forms a strong connect with the name 82°E. But at the same time, goes beyond this geographical tether. For the word ‘Home’ also encapsulates the feelings evoked by the simple acts of self-care we participate in every day to look after ourselves.

Whether it is sipping a cup of tea in the morning or listening to your favourite playlist at night. Taking a quick nap or going for a long run. All of us have small, yet significant self-care rituals that help us feel grounded and centered.

Wherever we may be in the world, practicing these everyday acts of self-care feels reassuring yet freeing, empowering yet comforting, energising yet calming. It feels like home.

Where skincare meets self-care.

With the brand promise to bring joy back to skincare through simple rituals and effective products, 82°E fit seamlessly in this world of everyday self-care. Our story is just as genuine, and real, as the insight
Being protected feels like home.
Caring for yourself feels like home.
Energising yourself feels like home.

Brand Story

Bringing the product story to life

Each product by 82°E combines the powers of time-tested Indian ingredients and scientific compounds. Being high-performance and efficacious, the products bring an ease and simplicity to skincare.

We tell the story of these innovative products by making them a part of our world of rituals while also building new ones.
The Winter Sun | Feels Like Home
Presenting 82ºE by Deepika Padukone
Quench Your Skin | Feels Like Home
Presenting 82ºE by Deepika Padukone
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