Our Work

Giving a unique ingredient story a unique voice.

The Single Ingredient Story

Armed with the single ingredient story of Caffeine, the brand had everything going for it from a pure play product standpoint. All we had to do was wake up and smell the caffeine by taking our creative cues from caffeine, the ingredient.

Crafting The Proposition

Our approach to crafting the proposition for the brand was born out of turning the perception of caffeine as an addiction on its head.

Addicted to Good

The very mention of the word “addiction” paints a picture fraught with stigma in the mind of the listener. People perennially associate “addiction” with choices and approaches that are “bad” for oneself. Caffeine more specifically, evokes contrary feelings. It stands for energy, it stands for waking up, it stands for freshness. It also evokes fears of damage due to overuse, it creates worries around addiction. We decided to take the urgency and the nervous energy of “addiction” and channel it towards self improvement, self betterment and self realisation. M’Caffeine exists to get the consumer addicted to good habits in their personal care journey, through its own addiction to the good caffeine can do.

Crafting The Proposition

Our approach to crafting the proposition for the brand was born out of turning the perception of caffeine as an addiction on its head.
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